SSCC General Assembly 2018

The annual General Assembly of the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce (SSCC) was held on Wednesday, February 21, 2018. Mrs. Yana Mikhailova welcomed SSCC members and presented the annual report of chamber’s activities as well as the action plan for Y2018. Members unanimously adopted these reports.

The General Assembly also included voting for one new Board member and on this occasion, Mrs. Jelena Drakulic Petrovic, CEO of the company “Ringier Axel Springer Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia,” began her first term as a member of the Board.

Finally, Mrs. Mikhailova informed SSCC members that Mr. Majo Mićović, General Manager of the company “Sky Express d.o.o.” ( was appointed as the new President of the Management Board. As President, Mr. Mićović will lead SSCC’s future development and together with Board members shall endorse Chamber programs and services to run with a high degree of excellence that its membership has come to expect.